Dear ones, the year has changed and we wanted to change with it…
…so we’ve reimagined our offerings in a most delightful way. Starting today, Paid Subscribers on Substack will get so much value for $77/year we’re not even sure it’s good business. Huzzah! Read on to learn more.
Paid Subscribers to Nothing in the Way will now find a movable feast of amenities, including:
1. Sharing Our Light (SOL) Salons (25+ gatherings a year!)
SOL Salons are 60-minute, expertly-facilitated sessions for self-discovery, imagination, and contemplation. In these containers, you’ll apply concepts of the Deep Self Design® method to work respectfully with your Inner World and enhance courage, clarity, and authenticity. Think of this as fresh, clean time. We will cleanse the mind, restore the heart, and clear our creative channels every other Friday, together.
2. Introduction to Deep Self Design: A Tiny Guide for Big Changes ($44 retail value)
When you become a Paid Subscriber, you also get a 34-page Deep Self Design® Introductory Guide downloadable for free. True story! Lovingly crafted, this guide is a solid heart-and-mind companion even if you haven’t taken our courses or workshops. It’s not required reading before SOL Salons, but it will help if you enter that stream.
3. Early Access + Discounts to Events, Workshops, and 1:1 Coaching (well over $100 value)
We have outstanding events lined up this year and more stellar guests en route. Think writers and memoirists, spiritual teachers, inner engineers, artists, entrepreneurs, psychologists, neuroscientists, psychonauts, and mystics. Some of these folks will make surprise appearances in SOL Salons as well.
4. Heartfelt dispatches (often with infodoodles) to help you feel centered in uncertain times (value: incalculable!)
Nothing in the Way began as your fierce friend writing a labor-of-love-letter. That has not changed. Some community favorites to explore:
If all this bounty for Paid Subscribers doesn’t grab you, let us know what would. Make that inmost request. Or simply…
Let’s make 2025 about meaningful work together.
With heart,
Sun and Liya
The first of a workshop trilogy with acclaimed author and groundbreaking spiritual care facilitator Robert (Bob) Falconer takes place on February 15. WHY IT MATTERS TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE truly is not to be missed.
Course Opening in March 2025: Deep Self Design® Foundations! This is our potent 12-week signature course with a cohort bright and warm.
Coaching Spots Available: If you are in a challenging transition and persistent internal patterns make it tough to resource yourself, we provide targeted experiential mentoring and coaching. Explore how this offering works.