May 5, 2023Liked by Sunni Brown / Sun Kagami

Thinking about how to use this in an upcoming leadership development session focused on composure and approachability as competencies. I'll be ruminating.

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LOL. Please only ruminate to the point of usefulness. Perhaps we should use the word ‘contemplate.’ 😀 If I were to reflect on the game’s application to composure, I would say that one could start to identify the emotions and sensations associated with each scenario and see where one might have wobbly or upright composure, and that activity can be done solo, if best, and shared relative to the team’s culture, familiarity, psychological and emotional safety, etc. If I were to play the game in terms of approachability, I would use it as a storytelling device, so that people could start to relate to and subgroup around things that they imagine and are either concerned or excited about. As you know, there will surely be overlapping inspiration and fears, and it connects people to each other when those are visualized and socialized. This fundamentally makes people more approachable because they become more human, BUT I’d love to learn more about those definitions for you in terms of competencies.

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May 6, 2023Liked by Sunni Brown / Sun Kagami

Dangit. I just wrote a whole response with my thumbs and then lost it with one sloppy swipe. I'll try again later from a computer.

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I didn’t really want to ‘like’ that one but I wanted you to know I hear you. Don’t give up! I would value your perspective.

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May 6, 2023Liked by Sunni Brown / Sun Kagami

Ok I'm going to try again.

I was thinking about how to use the game with approachability as a competency for leaders. We use this definition: easy to approach and talk to; spends the extra effort to put others at ease; can be warm, pleasant, and gracious; is sensitive to and patient with the interpersonal anxieties of others; builds rapport well; is a good listener; is an early knower, getting informal and incomplete information in time to do something about it. (Lominger)

I suspect that some leaders know they are unapproachable and some do not and of course approachability is a spectrum and conscious or subconscious behaviors are present. In the case of those who know they are not approachable (consciously incompetent on some level), I anticipate that a primary reason is the fear of others derailing them/their day...wanting control and structure. So, maybe the game could reveal their worst case scenario (total loss of personal productivity, wasting time with useless conversation, etc) and their best case scenario (meaningful, timely, engaging interactions) and the points between would be revealed as how they will receive and benefit from information "in time to do something about it."

I have a senior leader everyone is scare of and she knows it but doesn't think she can change...maybe the game helps reveal what she is missing out on by not being approachable.

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Gotcha and good thinking. Based on what you're saying, I think it would be interesting - what she shares and is willing / able to plot in-between - and, to your point, much of that depends on emotional honesty with herself about herself and about others. Were you thinking this game would be conducted with just her during solo work and then she might share it with you? Or she could use it for self-discovery and follow-up with a conversation? You could do a game variation in which it has two layers: one thinking through best and worst about others and one thinking through best and worst about her approachability (or lack thereof). They would both be useful, do you think?

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May 6, 2023Liked by Sunni Brown / Sun Kagami

Oooh, I definitely like your idea of doing both self and others! I'll keep thinking on this.

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May 6, 2023Liked by Sunni Brown / Sun Kagami

There should be a little ear icon for "I hear you" :)

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Let’s use these for hear, see / look, and care.

👂👀 🤲🏽

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Ok! This 🙉 could be for I hear you but just don't care.

Kidding, kidding. Lol

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May 5, 2023Liked by Sunni Brown / Sun Kagami

pulling for the dog

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Even though he was a super grump on our last day. Thank you. Love you.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Sunni Brown / Sun Kagami

Love the energy, Sunni. Go for it, may the force be with you.

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That you, Sunil. It's so nice to see you here! My next post comes next week...I've just started so am working on the content and the rhythm, but it's been a pleasure. Thank you for subscribing!

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Sunni Brown / Sun Kagami

Rock the stage, rockstar!! :)

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May 10, 2023Liked by Sunni Brown / Sun Kagami

Not only was this useful, it was fun! So you!

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May 5, 2023Liked by Sunni Brown / Sun Kagami

Sharing at work as a key manager leaves and everyone is freaked out to some degree on the spectrum of your Anxious Event Horizon.

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Elaine, thank you for your comment. You can use this prompt for story-sharing as that key manager leaves, for example…draw it on a flip chart with sticky notes and then cluster those that are similar. People can take comfort in knowing there are sub-groups for their concerns. I hope you’re weathering the changes well?

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Thank you for reading, Lyn. I learn from you so often.

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